Baylor Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation

On the Baylor Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation project, the Flintco design-build team was brought on at the end of 50 percent schematic design. With seven months to begin construction on the 275,000 SF facility, Flintco quickly laid out a design strategy that enabled both the full design duration and early work activities to be accelerated. Flintco solicited a series of packages that coincided with the subsequent design phase. At 95 percent SD, an early design-assist package was procured for the major mechanical/plumbing/controls and electrical distribution elements. At 95 percent design development documents, Flintco procured the early site development, underground utilities, drilled pier and slab-on grade packages. At 50 percent construction documents the framing, curtain wall, structural concrete and steel and MEP contracts were finalized. Lastly at 100 percent construction documents, the balance of the architectural packages was finalized and procured. This allowed Flintco to guide the team to a solution that enabled construction to start five months ahead of the completion of design and exceed the owner’s construction schedule by over a month.